Direct & Indirect – क्या आपने कभी किसी की बात को अपने शब्दों में दोहराया है?
जैसे – “Mohan said, ‘I am happy.'” को “Mohan said that he was happy.” में बदल दिया?
यही Direct और Indirect Speech का कमाल है!
What is Direct & Indirect Speech?
📌 Direct Speech in Direct & Indirect
जब हम किसी की कही हुई बात को ठीक वैसे ही दोहराते हैं, बिना कोई बदलाव किए, तब वह Direct Speech कहलाती है।
✅ Example:
🔹 Rahul said, “I love cricket.”
(यहाँ हम Rahul की बात को ज्यों का त्यों दोहरा रहे हैं।)
📌 Indirect Speech in Direct & Indirect
जब हम किसी की कही हुई बात को अपने शब्दों में बदलकर कहते हैं, तब उसे Indirect Speech कहते हैं।
✅ Example:
🔹 Rahul said that he loved cricket.
(यहाँ हमने “I” को “he” में बदल दिया और “love” को “loved” में।)
💡 सोचिए और बताइए!💡
अगर दोस्त आपको कहते हैं – “I will meet you tomorrow.”
तो आप इसे Indirect Speech में कैसे बदलेंगे? जवाब नीचे कमेंट में लिखिए! 👇
Direct and Indirect Speech Rules
📌 1. Pronoun Change (सर्वनाम में बदलाव)
Indirect Speech में Subject और Object के अनुसार Pronoun बदल जाते हैं।
✅ Example:
🔹 He said, “I am busy.” → He said that he was busy.
🔹 She said, “We love dancing.” → She said that they loved dancing.
📌 2. Tense Change (काल में बदलाव)
अगर Reporting Verb (said, told) Past Tense में है, तो Reported Speech का Tense बदल जाता है।
Direct Speech | Indirect Speech |
Present Simple → “I eat an apple.” | Past Simple → He said that he ate an apple. |
Present Continuous → “I am reading a book.” | Past Continuous → He said that he was reading a book. |
Present Perfect → “I have finished my work.” | Past Perfect → He said that he had finished his work. |
Past Simple → “I went to Delhi.” | Past Perfect → He said that he had gone to Delhi. |
Will → “I will help you.” | Would → He said that he would help me. |
❌ No Tense Change in Universal Truths!
🔹 She said, “The sun rises in the east.” → She said that the sun rises in the east.
📌 3. Time & Place Words Change (समय और स्थान बदलते हैं)
कुछ शब्द Indirect Speech में बदल जाते हैं:
Direct Speech | Indirect Speech |
Today → “I am busy today.” | That day → He said that he was busy that day. |
Tomorrow → “I will go tomorrow.” | The next day → He said that he would go the next day. |
Yesterday → “I saw him yesterday.” | The previous day → He said that he had seen him the previous day. |
Now → “I am happy now.” | Then → He said that he was happy then. |
This → “I like this book.” | That → He said that he liked that book. |
Here → “I am here.” | There → He said that he was there. |
📌 4. Reporting Verb Change (कहने वाले शब्द बदलते हैं)
- Said to → Told
- Say → Said
- Ask → जब सवाल हो
- Request / Order → जब अनुरोध या आदेश हो
✅ Example:
🔹 He said to me, “Open the door.” → He told me to open the door.
🔹 She said, “Please help me.” → She requested me to help her.
📌 5. Question और Imperative Sentences में बदलाव
- Yes/No Questions → if/whether जोड़ते हैं।
✅ Example:
🔹 He said, “Do you like tea?” → He asked if I liked tea. - WH-Questions (What, Where, Why, etc.) → WH-Word को वैसे ही रखते हैं।
✅ Example:
🔹 She said, “Where are you going?” → She asked where I was going. - Commands & Requests → To + Verb जोड़ते हैं।
✅ Example:
🔹 He said, “Close the window.” → He told me to close the window.
💡 Challenge for You! (सोचिए और बताइए!)
अगर कोई कहे – “I am watching a movie now.”
तो आप इसे Indirect Speech में कैसे बदलेंगे? 🤔
अपना जवाब कमेंट में लिखिए! 👇