An interjection is a word or phrase used to express sudden emotions or feelings like surprise, joy, anger, sorrow, greeting, or excitement. It is often used in exclamatory sentences.
विस्मयादिबोधक अव्यय वे शब्द होते हैं जो अचानक उत्पन्न होने वाली भावनाओं को व्यक्त करते हैं, जैसे—आश्चर्य, खुशी, दुःख, क्रोध, अभिवादन आदि।
Examples of Interjections
Emotion (भावना) | Interjection (अंग्रेज़ी में) | हिंदी में |
Surprise (आश्चर्य) | Oh! Wow! What! | अरे! वाह! क्या! |
Joy (खुशी) | Hurrah! Yay! | हुर्रे! यह! |
Sorrow (दुःख) | Alas! Oh no! | हाय! ओह नहीं! |
Pain (दर्द) | Ouch! Ah! | आह! ओह! |
Approval (स्वीकृति) | Bravo! Well done! | शाबाश! बहुत बढ़िया! |
Greeting (अभिवादन) | Hello! Hi! Good morning! | नमस्ते! प्रणाम! सुप्रभात! |
Disgust (घृणा) | Ugh! Yuck! | छी! धिक्कार है! |
Thinking (सोचने में) | Hmm… Well… | हम्म… अच्छा… |
Calling Attention (ध्यान आकर्षित करना) | Listen! Look! | सुनो! देखो! |
Exercise on Interjections
Fill in the blanks with suitable interjections:
- ___! I forgot my wallet at home. (Surprise)
- ___! You won the match. (Joy)
- ___! That dog almost bit me. (Fear)
- ___! I can’t believe you did this. (Disapproval)
- ___! She is no more. (Sorrow)
- ___! Stop talking and listen to me. (Calling Attention)
- ___! What a beautiful dress! (Surprise)
- ___! That food smells terrible. (Disgust)
- ___! I accidentally stepped on a nail. (Pain)
- ___! Welcome to our home. (Greeting)
- Oh no! I forgot my wallet at home. (Surprise)
- Hurrah! You won the match. (Joy)
- Ah! That dog almost bit me. (Fear)
- Ugh! I can’t believe you did this. (Disapproval)
- Alas! She is no more. (Sorrow)
- Listen! Stop talking and listen to me. (Calling Attention)
- Wow! What a beautiful dress! (Surprise)
- Yuck! That food smells terrible. (Disgust)
- Ouch! I accidentally stepped on a nail. (Pain)
- Hello! Welcome to our home. (Greeting)