What is verb

What is a Verb? (क्रिया क्या है?)

A verb is a word that shows an action (काम), a state (स्थिति), or possession (स्वामित्व) in

a sentence.

क्रिया वह शब्द है जो किसी कार्य, अवस्था या स्वामित्व को व्यक्त करता है।

📌 Examples (उदाहरण):

She runs fast. (Action – क्रिया) → वह तेज़ दौड़ती है।

He is a doctor. (State – स्थिति) → वह एक डॉक्टर है।

I have a book. (Possession – स्वामित्व) → मेरे पास एक किताब है।

Types of Verbs (क्रिया के प्रकार)

  1. Action Verbs (क्रियात्मक क्रिया)

These verbs show an action that someone does.

यह क्रियाएँ किसी कार्य को दर्शाती हैं।

📌 Examples (उदाहरण):

She eats an apple. → वह एक सेब खाती है।

They play football. → वे फुटबॉल खेलते हैं।

He thinks deeply. → वह गहराई से सोचता है।

  1. Linking Verbs (संयोजक क्रिया)

These verbs do not show action but connect the subject with a description.

ये क्रियाएँ कार्य नहीं दिखातीं, बल्कि विषय को उसके विवरण से जोड़ती हैं।

📌 Examples (उदाहरण):

She is smart. → वह बुद्धिमान है।

They were happy. → वे खुश थे।

The soup smells delicious. → सूप स्वादिष्ट महकता है।

  1. Helping (Auxiliary) Verbs (सहायक क्रिया)

These verbs help the main verb to form different tenses.

ये मुख्य क्रिया की सहायता करते हैं।

📌 Examples (उदाहरण):

She is singing a song. → वह एक गीत गा रही है।

They have finished their work. → उन्होंने अपना काम पूरा कर लिया है।

I will go to school. → मैं स्कूल जाऊँगा।

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs (सकर्मक और अकर्मक क्रिया)

  1. Transitive Verbs (सकर्मक क्रिया)

A transitive verb always has an object (कर्म) in the sentence.

अगर हम “What?” (क्या?) या “Whom?” (किसे?) का उत्तर पा सकते हैं, तो क्रिया सकर्मक होगी।

📌 Key Features (मुख्य विशेषताएँ):

✔ Must have an object (हमेशा एक object होता है)।

✔ Answers “what?” or “whom?” (यह “क्या?” या “किसे?” का उत्तर देता है)।

🔹 Examples (उदाहरण):

She bought a dress. (उसने एक ड्रेस खरीदी।)

Question: What did she buy? (उसने क्या खरीदा?)

Answer: A dress (ड्रेस) → Transitive Verb

He wrote a letter. (उसने एक पत्र लिखा।)

Question: What did he write? (उसने क्या लिखा?)

Answer: A letter (पत्र) → Transitive Verb

They play football. (वे फुटबॉल खेलते हैं।)

Question: What do they play? (वे क्या खेलते हैं?)

Answer: Football → Transitive Verb

  1. Intransitive Verbs (अकर्मक क्रिया)

An intransitive verb does not need an object to complete its meaning.

अगर हमें “What?” (क्या?) या “Whom?” (किसे?) का उत्तर नहीं मिलता, तो क्रिया अकर्मक होगी।

📌 Key Features (मुख्य विशेषताएँ):

✔ No object needed (object की आवश्यकता नहीं)।

✔ Does not answer “what?” or “whom?” (यह “क्या?” या “किसे?” का उत्तर नहीं देता)।

🔹 Examples (उदाहरण):

She sleeps early. (वह जल्दी सोती है।)

Question: What does she sleep? (वह क्या सोती है?)

❌ No answer → Intransitive Verb

They run fast. (वे तेज दौड़ते हैं।)

Question: What do they run? (वे क्या दौड़ते हैं?)

❌ No answer → Intransitive Verb

He cried loudly. (वह जोर से रोया।)

Question: What did he cry? (उसने क्या रोया?)

❌ No answer → Intransitive Verb

Regular and Irregular Verbs (नियमित और अनियमित क्रिया)

  1. Regular Verbs (नियमित क्रिया)

Regular verbs form their past tense by adding -ed, -d, or -t.

नियमित क्रियाओं में past form -ed, -d, या -t जोड़कर बनाई जाती है।

🔹 Examples (उदाहरण):

Base Form Past Tense Past Participle

Play Played Played

Work Worked Worked

Jump Jumped Jumped

  1. Irregular Verbs (अनियमित क्रिया)

Irregular verbs do not follow a fixed pattern for past tense.

अनियमित क्रियाओं के past रूप बदल जाते हैं।

🔹 Examples (उदाहरण):

Base Form Past Tense Past Participle

Go Went Gone

Eat Ate Eaten

Write Wrote Written

Exercises (अभ्यास)

A. Identify the Verb Type (क्रिया का प्रकार पहचानें)

She writes a letter. (__)

They are happy. (__)

He plays cricket. (__)

She can drive a car. (__)

The baby sleeps peacefully. (__)

B. Identify Transitive or Intransitive (सकर्मक या अकर्मक पहचानें)

He buys a book. (__)

Question: What does he buy?

Answer: A book → Transitive

They run quickly. (__)

Question: What do they run?

❌ No answer → Intransitive

She ate an apple. (__)

Question: What did she eat?

Answer: An apple → Transitive

He sleeps late. (__)

Question: What does he sleep?

❌ No answer → Intransitive

Conclusion (निष्कर्ष)

Verbs are very important in English grammar. Understanding transitive and intransitive

verbs will help in making better sentences.

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